The Ice Princess Camilla Lackberg Ebook Library

EBooks & downloads. The Ice Princess. Her name is Camilla Lackberg and this book is the first in her series of seven mysteries. The Ice princess / Camilla Lac. Or contact your local library for assistance. The Ice princess / Camilla Lackberg.

Camilla Lackberg Series

I personaggi sembrano ben realizzati, lascia un po' l'amaro il fatto che quasi tutti siano colpiti da qualche disgrazia (quasi tutte quelle di contorno potevano essere eliminate senza problemi e senza sminuire la vicenda). Il problema principale e' la trama, che nella prima parte del romanzo (piuttosto noiosa e priva di mordente) manca quasi del tutto. Viene pubblicizzato come giallo o poliziesco, ma il romanzo lo e' per non piu' del 40%, concentrato nella seconda parte e con frequenti interruzioni che rompono una tensione faticosa da recuperare in seguito. Il finale poi riesce a troncare bruscamente e con poche spiegazioni tutte le sottostorie facenti parte dell'altro 60% del romanzo, che in conclusione risulta piuttosto deludente. An apparent suicide doesn't add up for writer Erica Falck and investigating police detective Patrik Hedstrom.

The autopsy shows their suspicions are correct--Alex was given sleeping pills before being dragged to the bathtub where her wrists were slashed. As the investigation moves along, one of the suspects, who originally was cleared but whose alibi didn't check out upon further inspection, is found hanging in his apartment. It's a case where the investigator finds himself going back to square one more than once. Child abuse is an underlying theme in things relevant to the case and to the people surrounding the writer and detective.

It's a good start to the series, but not the smoothest reading. I'm not sure if the problem lies in the translation or the actual novel. I'd still be interested in pursuing further installments to see if the series improves as I like the setting.

In preparation for my trip to Sweden I thought that it was time for me to read some Camilla Lackberg, especially as in essence Camilla was the reason that I was being sent off to her homeland of Fjallbacka by the lovely people. Well believe you me I had many an offer to lend me a copy of The Ice Princess (you have to start at the beginning of a series don’t you?) because it turned out Camilla has a lot of fans in my office, which shouldn’t be a surprise as she has sold over 9,000,000 copies of her books. I have always meant to read her novels, partly because people like Gav have raved so much about her, yet been hesitant to start a new series of crime novels (as I think I am addicted to about five already, aren’t we all?) Fortunately Lackberg’s novels do stand out from the crowd. Harper Books, paperback, 2008, fiction, 400 pages, borrowed from my mate Barb Upon her return to her hometown following the death of her parents, Erica Falck begins to feel that death and tragedy might be following her when her childhood friend Alex is found dead in the bath with her wrists slashed. Erica and Alex’s friendship had however waned after Alex suddenly stopped speaking to her before leaving in her pre-teens.

The bonds have not been forgotten by Alex’s parents who, as Erica is a semi-successful writer of biographies and has become a small celebrity in Fjallbacka, ask her to write about their daughter. In doing so Erica starts to discover that the perfect life Alex had created wasn’t all that she made people believe and that there were many secrets in her past. It soon dawns on Erica that Alex may not have committed suicide at all, but who would want to kill her? Subsequently local detective in charge of the case Patrik Hedstrom is coming to the same conclusion and it looks like something from Alex’s past has returned to haunt her, but what and why?

It was eerie stepping into the shadowy house. Her fear of the dark made it hard for her to breathe, and she forced herself to take some deep breaths to calm her nerves. She thankfully remembered the torch in her coat pocket and said a silent prayer that the batteries were good. The light from the torch made her feel a bit calmer. You might be thinking this sounds very like a lot of other thrillers, be they cold crime or not, out there however Lackberg does several things that make this different. Workplace Wellness Programs Statistics For Dummies. Firstly she invests heavily in her characters, Erica and Patrik come fully formed off the page foibles and all.