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♥ Book Title: Synthetic Socialism ♣ Name Author: Eli Rubin ∞ Launching: 2012-09-01 ◊ Info ISBN Link: 774 ⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: l-Uf9xTRNVoC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Eli Rubin takes an innovative approach to consumer culture to explore questions of political consensus and consent and the impact of ideology on everyday life in the former East Germany. Synthetic Socialism explores the history of East Germany through the production and use of a deceptively simple material: plastic. Rubin investigates the connections between the communist government, its Bauhaus-influenced designers, its retooled postwar chemical industry, and its general consumer population. He argues that East Germany was neither a totalitarian state nor a niche society but rather a society shaped by the confluence of unique economic and political circumstances interacting with the concerns of ordinary citizens. To East Germans, Rubin says, plastic was a high-technology material, a symbol of socialism's scientific and economic superiority over capitalism. Most of all, the state and its designers argued, plastic goods were of a particularly special quality, not to be thrown away like products of the wasteful West.

Rubin demonstrates that this argument was accepted by the mainstream of East German society, for whom the modern, socialist dimension of a plastics-based everyday life had a deep resonance. 'Article Eli Rubin Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Raum, Materie, Zeit ♣ Name Author: Dirk Evers ∞ Launching: 2000 ◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 125 ⊕ Number Pages: Total sheet ♮ News id: h18FyyYRWdAC ☯ Full Synopsis: 'English summary: In this work, the author takes a hermeneutical approach towards scientific cosmology. He uses the general theory of relativity, quantum theory, thermodynamics and the theory of dynamic systems to reveal the fundamental categories of space, matter and time and to link these to the basic principles of a doctrine of creation which is open to a dialog between science and theology. German description: Anhand der drei Kategorien Raum, Materie und Zeit entwickelt Dirk Evers Grundfragen naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens, die er auf ihre Geschichte und den wissenschaftsphilosophischen Diskurs bezieht.