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The question “What books should every man read?” is a common one that I am asked just about every week. The problem is that there is just so many books to choose from, so picking a goodie from the torrent of crap that is out there is pretty goddamn difficult.
Listen to a free sample or buy Models: Attract Women Through Honesty (Unabridged) by Mark Manson on iTunes on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.
Mark Twain (pictured above) once quoted “The man who does not read good books, is no better than the man who can’t”. Let me get one thing straight: Every man needs to read to grow his mind. If you aren’t growing, you are dying, my friend. And if you can’t absorb some wisdom from those who have walked the path before you, then you have zero permission to use any excuses or to complain when life doesn’t go your way. Here’s some truth: I REALLY DON’T LIKE READING. When I read with my eyes, I find my mind running to other ideas, or reminding me of things that I forgot or just not being present in the moment. I don’t know why maybe I have ADD?
But when I get into a decent book, I just get drawn in like a moth to a flame, and time tends to disappear. BUT THEN CAME ALONG AUDIBLE I like to listen. I think I am predominately an auditory learner, and when I discovered and PODCASTS my learning took off like an F/A-18 Hornet on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. So much knowledge was now flowing into my brain, and I could walk around, exercise, clean the house, and drive the car while also learning how to become a better human being.
I have been through a lot of content, but there are several books that I really think every single male of the human species needs to read because, to be honest, most Men are pretty useless when it comes to understanding how to be a man. We are taught lessons based on experiences of Men with biased experiences, and with the ever changing world and the vast amount of knowledge and education around the planet in 2016, there now is some really good shit around to sink your teeth into. Without further interruption, here are 4 books that you need to read yesterday. No More Mr Nice Guy By Robert A.
I always recommend this book to clients as most of us Men are affected with “Nice Guy Syndrome”. It is a terrible affliction where a Male thinks he needs to be overly nice and friendly to a Woman in order to win her over. She always finds his excessive eagerness to please, his lack of self-worth and non-existent boundaries to be about as sexy as a dead rat, then proceeds to shove said Man boy into the friend zone and use him as a doormat until he reads this book and pulls himself out of it. If you’ve ever found yourself in the friend zone, you need to read this.
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. Is a sensational writer. He is a breath of fresh air in the world of personal development and I subscribe to his blog and eagerly await his new articles like a loved-up and needy fanboy. I would like to have a beer or 10 with Mark, as he is just so real, honest and smart about how we humans tick. I bought this book in the paper form (audible version had bad reviews due to the person who narrated it), but trust me – You’ll want the paperback. This is the BEST book I have read on dating, it is simple, powerful and we share extremely similar perspectives on how dating should be for a Man.
If you get any book – this is the one – and be prepared to want to read it over and over again. It is that good. Mate: Become The Man Women Want. By Tucker Max and Geoffrey Miller. This book is a fresh, new and no bullshit approach to becoming a Man that Women actually want. The whole book is a powerhouse of up-to-date information that is an absolute bare necessity of information to be read by every single Male on the planet. I bought the Audible version, but I wish I got both the Audible and the Paperback.
Tucker Max is well known for his hilarious true stories, of which one was turned into the movie “”. If you haven’t seen it, go do that, too. Geoffrey Miller Ph.D. Is an extremely intelligent man who also has over 20 years studying what Women want, why they want it, and how Men can deliver those qualities.
These two gents teamed up to create a fantastic podcast called “The Mating Grounds” of which I highly recommend, too. Read The Way Of The Superior Man By David Deida. This book is an extremely spiritual book for Men who want to master the challenges of Women, work, and sexual desire.
I didn’t realise this book would be so DEEP however it comes highly recommended by just about every Man who reads it. Return To Castle Wolfenstein Download Chip there. This book will take time to be digested, and you can sit on particular chapters for hours, just pondering what you just learned. Eyewash Station Inspection Template For Rental Property there. Don’t rush through reading this necessity of masculinity, but don’t delay in adding it to your collection of books.