16f628a Programmer
![16f628a Serial Programmer 16f628a Serial Programmer](http://www.voti.nl/blink/pics/b-628-i-85.gif)
This PIC16F628A is a 18-pin Flash-based 8-bit microcontroller with EEPROM, comparator, Caputure/Compare/PWM and USART peripheral. Serial port programmer for 8/18/28/40 pin PIC microcontrollers and I2C EEPROMS + ICSP connector and cable. PIC-PG2 is programmer based on JDM design which takes all necessary signals and power supply from RS232 serial port. It supports 8, 18. Use this software for support for the 16F628A, 16F87, and 16F88. The MPLAB ® ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is Microchip’s fastest. PIC16F628A (18P) Socket: AC164302 PartNo: PIC16F628A (18SO. In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, PICkit, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICLAB, PICtail, PowerCal.
Ost Pst Serial. Now, before all of you start telling me to search around for this, I tell you that I already have, I've read almost everything that has to do with that PIC in this site. My doubts aren't exactly about how to make it work. I've read about pulling PGM to Vpp. The issue I want to address is reprogramming it. Since it is impossible because of the lack of Vdd control the JDM has.
I've found various solutions for this, however, most of them where tested and recomended for the 12F629/675. Which brings me to my question: will this solutions work as well for my PIC 16F628A? You have almost shut the doors for any dialog by many restrictions. How ever, you can use any N MOSFET like IRF540 I use DL4YHF version of JDM, in addition to few others and a Pickit2 that purchased from Microchip.
DL4YHF PIC programmer works with external power supply. It has built in Vpp before Vdd.
Really helpful. You may perhaps study that in order to get an Idea as to how to manage yours. The link and specific schematic are here look for A programmer for FLASH- and EPROM-based PICs All the best. You have almost shut the doors for any dialog by many restrictions. How ever, you can use any N MOSFET like IRF540 I use DL4YHF version of JDM, in addition to few others and a Pickit2 that purchased from Microchip. DL4YHF PIC programmer works with external power supply. It has built in Vpp before Vdd.
Really helpful. You may perhaps study that in order to get an Idea as to how to manage yours. The link and specific schematic are here look for A programmer for FLASH- and EPROM-based PICs All the best. Click to expand.Nice question magester1 if you see carefully the one you have posted has a red rectangle drawn indicating that it could accommodate an eeprom directly.
Simply speaking the 18pin socket can accommodate more types of pins so the wiring is done appropriately with no offense to any of the unused pins of 18 pin chip when to be used. In general, we just need 5 pins to connect to the PIC. They are Vpp. Vss, Gnd, Pdata, Pclki generally use a bread board where the target chip is located, connect the concerned wires to the apprpriate pins, enable the programmer and do the programming and call it a day i never use any 18 pin, 4 pin, or 14, 40 or 20 pin sockets or for that purpose, any ZIF socket. The programmer is used for programming the needed software into the micro-controller, to enable it do perform the tasks you want it. For a new comer, there might be some difficulty in placing and removing the chip from the socket or bread board for programing.